This picture will be mintable soon

What is The Story Behind XGOBLIN?

Non-Fungible Tokens are all the rage. Everyone is talking about them, from celebrities to the media to our friends. But they deserve the hype they are getting. 2021 was a splendid year for NFTs. We, too, jumped on the bandwagon and decided to create unique, relatable digital art. Hence, we conceived the idea of our most passionate project, XGOBLIN.

All About The XGOBLIN Project

The XGOBLIN project aims to provide modern art to individuals who are passionate about communicating their unique ideas through NFTs. We have spent years studying, researching, and dealing with cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. The years of experience enabled us to successfully venture into the NFT space and launch the XGOBLIN project.

We created our XGOBLIN token on the XRP Ledger blockchain. NFT enthusiasts who are willing to become the dark lords of the XGOBLINs can use our native token, XGOBLIN. We have installed a maximum limit on the number of our native tokens, generating only 10,000 XGOBLIN tokens. Interested users can buy one NFT in exchange for one XGOBLIN tokens can be purchased using onXRP DEX. There will only ever be 10,000 NFTs. We will launch 10 collections, each collection containing 1,000 NFTs. Out of the 1,000 NFTs, 725 will be rare while 275 will be ultra-rare. Each XGOBLIN will be unique with its unique DNA and metadata. Each XGOBLIN will have different physical traits with different accessories, skins, eyes, mouths, backgrounds, and outfits.

We will also have 1 diamond goblin hidden in each collection

Here are some examples:

Why should you become an XGOBLIN Dark Lord?

XGOBLIN project isn’t some regular NFT project. It aims to encourage huge investments in NFTs and digital arts. We are passionate and proud to present NFTs with the following features to swoon the NFT admirers:

  • Uniqueness: Each XGOBLIN is born with its unique DNA, metadata, and different physical traits. Uniqueness is the core characteristic of NFTs, which also dictates their price.
  • Limited supply: We are only ever going to generate 10,000 NFTs. A limited supply will be a reason for their increased demand and price in the future. So, XGOBLIN Dark Lords should be ready to make huge profits.
  • XRP Ledger support: We will create our NFTs on XRP Ledger, which is inherently better for minting NFTs than any other blockchain. Its amazing features include less carbon footprint, robust tools and resources, and a seamless NFT experience.
  • Cost-efficient: XRP Ledger is more cost-efficient and scalable than other blockchains. This means lesser gas fees, less final price, and unclogged network.

XGOBLIN NFTs: Profitable, Creative & More

We have devised great strategies to accelerate the growth of our NFT project. Our technological background and years of experience in the crypto space helped us to create a profitable project. We are determined to build a community of thousands of loyal XGOBLIN Lords. Multiple factors ensure the high profitability of the XGOBLIN project.

Firstly, all our XGOBLINs are unique with different physical traits. Secondly, their limited supply will drive their demand and price. XGOBLIN Lords will be rewarded with high profits for their investment and loyalty. We also plan to launch giveaways to increase the interest among more NFT fans. We believe in long-term growth and success. Our NFT project is built on the same values. We want to build a community of individuals interested in communicating through the unique NFT arts. Visit our official website or go through our White Paper to learn more about XGOBLINs. 

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